We had three new members join our unit in 2021...Barbara Richards, Ruth Atherton & Melissa Ellis. Welcome aboard, ladies!
The year also bought much sadness with the passing of three of our life-long members, Marilyn Smith (34 yrs.), Anna Fields (52 yrs.), and Louise (Tito) Kelly (33yrs.). Together their years of service total 119 years. Our membership is open to female & male relatives of Legion members, as well as, family members of deceased veterans. Dues remain $35. for ages 18 & older and $10. for ages 17 & younger. Our project meetings are at 6:00 PM on the 1st Thursday...come and join in the fun, and our business meetings are on the 3rd Thursday at 6:00 PM, except for the months of July & August.
CONGRATULATIONS everyone for helping our unit reach their 100% membership goal for the last three years!!! Let's make every effort to make it 4 in a row! If you have not done so, please send in your dues as soon as possible. Please, include your email & phone numbers for our records. We remain UNIT 172 STRONG!
Cindy McCarthy
Membership Chairperson